Thursday, September 8, 2011

The children we weren't supposed to have- PCOS and Our Story of God's Glory Pt 2

This is the second post in our story. The first one is here.

Israelle Hope Skinner was born September the 1st 2005- just after midnight.

She was born on the first day of spring which to us represented new life after the barrenness of winter. My wife had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and it was supposed to be almost impossible to conceive naturally. Even after 3 rounds of the fertility drug Clomid, after which the effect drops, she still did not conceive. We were told to consider IVF but instead, after a powerful impromptu prayer time at a home group meeting at our church, God dropped the words in my heart "Your prayer has just been answered". We found out 2 weeks later that Joelle had indeed conceived against all odds and it would have happened around that night.

Israelle was a bright, healthy, joyful girl from the start. We knew our precious girl was a miracle and we stayed faithful to God's calling. We continued to stay off contraception and allowed God to take control of the opening and closing of Joelle's womb. We knew that breastfeeding would act like a contraception for a while anyway. During Israelle's first year, our pastor prayed for Joelle's healing. One time as he prayed with her, he said he saw a vision of cysts dropping off. We hid this in our hearts and continued with our lives. Later, Joelle had another blood test which showed no signs any longer of PCOS in the hormone levels so the diagnosis was changed to PCO.

On Issy's 1st birthday we decided to have a combined birthday party and baby dedication at our little church. We invited friends and family, many of whom were not Christians. When we got to the baby dedication part of the service I got the opportunity to speak. So with the microphone in my hand and a huge smile on my face, I got to tell all of them what God had done- how God had answered our prayers for a child and how it all happened. It was exciting to share a real life example of the reality of God in our lives.

After the service, my skeptical uncle came up to me and said "You know it was a fluke right? You know it's probably not going to happen again?". I smiled and said something to the effects of 'maybe, we'll see'.

Later that week, I got to call that uncle with some more good news. "Guess what? Joelle's pregnant again!".

It still gets better....

To be continued.